About a week later Quinn and I found ourselves back in the chilly state of NY for a family emergency, which turned out better than we thought.
In the meantime the Quinn man has decided that he wanted to crawl, and I know I thought
months ago that any day he was going to start, but now that he has started there is no stopping him. Right now he loves trying to play in the cat's water dish, and while I could make it easy on myself and just put the water dish on the counter while he is playing on the floor, I figured that the more he crawled around the quicker it would tire him (and me) out so that he would go to bed :). In his free time he also likes to chase the cats, he does warn them with one single chuckle similar to this: "heh". As soon as I hear that, I know what he is up to. The cats have decided that any time he moves they are going to take cover, and sometimes, I know what they mean.

Quinn has also started pulling himself up, and you can tell that he is very proud of this new skill, which he now uses to grab stuff that I had hid from him on the coffee table. For example, Quinn loves, loves, loves, to get his hands on the diaper rash cream. Not sure if it is because I take it away from him every time I see that he has it, or because it looks fun, or it smells right to him, but never fail, anytime I have it out, he goes straight for it! So last night as we were eating dinner (we eat in front of the TV, I know totally horrible...but we get home really late, and blah, blah, blah, even I stopped listening to myself) and he is playing down on the floor when he pulls himself up and starts playing with whatever he could get his grubby little hands on, which included but was not limited to: my empty plate, my cup, a fork, diaper rash cream, a napkin (which he tried to eat), his temporal scanner thermometer, and a few other misc. items. I couldn't believe how much trouble he was trying to get into!
Sleep is still trying to evade me, sometimes it is Quinn's fault, and sometimes (like this week) it is my fault. Sometimes when I start reading a book that I find extremely good I cannot put it down, I could compare it to an addiction, well that is what happened to me this week. I started reading the twilight series after I was so sucked into the movie that I watched it twice. I don't know what it was/is about the movie and the books, but it is like a really good dream that you don't want to wake up from (which ironically is how the twilight books got started, at least that is what the author wrote on her website).
Once in awhile during the week I will start to feel really overwhelmed, like, what did I get myself into?...but then on weekends I reflect and I think about all of the things that Herb and I do on a day to day basis, and I think WOW! How are we able to do all of that and still function? Sometimes I think about all of the hard work having a child is and think should I have waited? But then I look at Quinn, and I can't imagine my life without him. He has truly changed me, and yeah I have a lot of days where I am straddling the line of insanity and frustration, but then he laughs, or gets this goofy look on his face, and I hope that he knows how much he means to me. How can someone not love this face?