I would like to start by telling you how this all came about. My parents were successful in raising three awesome children, myself, Kate & Dan. I can positively say that we have all made our mistakes, but we are in general very good people. Growing up was fun, sometimes it was hard, but the good definitely out weighed the bad. When it came time to leave the nest (as all kids do) I almost felt that I wanted to stay, it was very scary for me even though I was moving in with my brother. I almost felt that if I moved out I would loose the closeness I had with my parents, but thankfully that hasn't happened yet, and I will try my hardest to prevent that from happening. Anyway getting back on track, I moved out, I grew up, I dated guys. Then one day I met my lobster, or should I say the one posing with the lobster. He makes me happy. He understands me. He listens to me. He is my husband. He is my best friend.
After dating for a few years, we moved to New Hampshire. It wasn't too far away from our

families and friends, but far enough away that we felt on our own. We began to officially start our lives together. We got married in New York, close to our families and had the best wedding ever. I would do it over again in a heart beat! Fast
forward a bit, due to a few set backs and a few great opportunities we grabbed up our things and moved to South Carolina and bought our first house! We decided the timing was right and we started trying for a baby....9 months later, the second love of my life appeared. Quinn
Braydon Agnew, or QB (Quarterback) if you will. Born 6 lbs 13 oz on July 12, 2008. He was good to me from the start. I had decided right from the beginning of my pregnancy that I was going to work right through to the day that I went into labor. Apparently Quinn agreed with my decision. Friday July 11 I had my
final doctor's appointment, they decided to try to help me start labor - after they did their thing they told me I could go into labor within 12 hours but it was not a definite thing. I left work as normal at 3pm and went home to see Herb, apparently he had something up his sleeve and asked me to go look at the Nissan Titans with him. 6 hours later, we owned a new truck, so we treated ourselves to dinner. Our neighbors happened to be in the area and accompanied us to Macaroni Grill where we stayed until 11:00pm. By the time that we got home, Herb's parents had arrived for the pending birth, they were exhausted, we were exhausted, so we all went to bed (
separately of course). 5:30am - Quinn decides to start his journey. I wake Herb up, tell him I think it is time & that I was going to go downstairs to time my contractions, I said that maybe he should get up and take a shower. After I timed my contractions, had my breakfast, and called my doctor to confirm that it was time to head to the hospital, I headed back upstairs to see what Herb was doing.....still sleeping! I wake him up and told him that I had gotten the confirmation from the doctor that it was time to go and that he should take his shower so we could head out. Apparently I was acting way too cool at this point so he decided that he was going to go out, have a cigarette, water his garden, and tell our neighbor that I was in labor. Luckily I am nice, and luckily for me we were on our way by 9:00am. All this time at home did prevent me from being in the hospital for too long though, so I can't complain. By 3:30pm that afternoon Quinn made his appearance! His first trick was to try to pee on all of the nurses and equipment, go Quinn!!!
Almost 4 months has gone by since then, I have returned to work, Quinn goes to daycare, and

our lives go on. He is growing up too fast. Today is his first Halloween, he is going to be a horse. It makes me want to hold on to him and never let go, he is just too darn cute!
I want to freeze time right now so that he can't get any older and he will always need me. I am already feeling the fight of i
ndependence as he is trying to feed himself, and trying to sit up by himself. It makes me sad even though I am proud that he is doing so well. I laugh at him too because you can tell how hard he is trying and sometimes it is just comical.
I would do anything to make this kid laugh...it is such an awesome sound! I am proud to be a mom, it isn't easy most of the time....I feel like I never have any time - time to spend with him - time to spend with Herb - time to spend by my self - time to do laundry - time to vacuum - time to sleep. I know that Herb feels the same way, by the time we get home from work it is barely enough time to make dinner, eat, clean-up, then go to bed. Thankfully Herb makes the dinner & picks up while I get Quinn ready for bed and spend time with him....I don't want him to grow up thinking those ladies in daycare love him more than me...especially since that would be impossible. I have come to cherish weekends - I almost hate leaving the house, I just want to lock the doors and spend time with my family...that is what we are planning for Saturday anyway.....we are going to put up our Christmas tree!!! I know, I know, it is super early! The Agnew's are on retail time people! We bend the rules, we skip the holidays that don't
warrant decorations (ex. Thanksgiving) and go for the gold! or at least the tinsel :) With that in mind, I will finish this blog with this last thought: Always hold close the people you love.
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