I need to start running, I need to get back into somewhat decent shape. I am tired of being, well tired. I have been considering when I am going to be doing this so called running, and have come to the conclusion that it will have to be in the morning, that I will have to get up earlier than I already do, and go for a run....who knows, maybe getting up that early won't actually kill me like I think it will, maybe it will wake me up better, and make me feel better. Do I want to take that chance? Well only time will tell if I am actually able to make that committment. It is very difficult for me right now to make it to work on time, there just seems to be so many things to do in the morning before I leave, I have to get everyone fed, and diapers changed, and into clothes that aren't considered pjs. Now I have to make sure my (stray, but not so stray) kitty who's pelvis got broken is doing okay and is near his food so that he can continue to eat.
This has been a physically and emotionally draining year this year, and I am relieved and excited to see what the new year brings. I have been thinking about inviting one of our neighbors over for new years eve, since we don't do the go to the bar thing anymore. They have a 4-5 month old daughter that I think she and Quinn would have fun playing together...at that age do they really play together?? I don't know.
We got family photos done a couple of weekends ago, that was a bit of a fiasco, there were a ton
of people there, and we were late for our appointment so they actually had marked us as a no show, but they were good and were able to sneak us in only about 10 minutes after we got there. Good thing that I brought food for Quinn though, cause he started having a meltdown about half way through. Not so good for the photos, but we were able to feed him enough to get him to calm down for at least a few minutes.

This picture is one of my favorites...they both look so good in it, I had such a hard time choosing which one we liked....and before anyone gets on my back about sending them photos, we have already thought about that and you may possibly be getting some, but I am not telling you for sure, so don't even try to get it out of me.
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