He has very strong opinions now, and you can very easily hurt his feelings or scare him. For instance, normally Quinn has no issues with the vacuum, to the point that he loves to follow me around and try to play with it...so we didn't really think much of the hand held cone crumb vacuum, and turned it on and pretended to suck his belly with it. Let me tell you, the look of fear on that baby's face made me want to grab him up and shield him from anything that could possibly hurt him. He has also started something that I am not very fond of, in fact I don't like it at all, he bites. He has four teeth now and he knows how to use them, and frequently tries to show you. The other day I was holding him when he bit me in the sholder, I pointed to him and in a firm voice told him "no!" well the tears started streaming, the lip started quivering, he was sobbing...well it almost made me give in....almost.
I worry about Quinn most of the day, which is a mothers job, but that kid has the grace & balance of his mother...and that isn't saying much. Sometimes I feel like wrapping him in bubble wrap and putting pillows on everything, but I know that is a little much. The other day he was pulling himself up on the coffee table, and lost his balance and did this to his eye:
Basically he gave himself a black eye. His poor little noggin.
You know what else I don't understand? How the heck do babies fall alseep with their butts in the air, I mean it can't be comfortable, could it? I choose not to try this right now for fear of someone else seeing me. Seriously though.... it is super cute. To Quinn's defense, I had already woken him up from a perfectly comfortable position and forced him to get dressed into non-pajama clothing. He slept through the entire process, which is not easy I am sure. I did find him last night in his crib in a very similar position though, and had to roll him because I just couldn't believe that it was comfy for him.
We went to the beach for Easter and decided that it would be a great idea to get pictures of him playing in the sand. What we didn't take into account was the fact that he was going to eat the sand, and lots of it in fact. He tried to sneak a shell too, but I was too quick for him. This is my favorite picture of the trip:
I just love how great they look together, I just know they are going to be best buds. Herb is by far the best person that I know, and I am greatful to him everyday for his unconditional love and patience. He is the love of my life.
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