Monday, November 10, 2008

The Excitement Never Ends!!

This weekend will definitely be one to remember! My baby boy.....rolled over! He only rolled from his back to belly, but it is a start. I am sure that soon he will be able to roll back to his back. It is the beginning of the end of immobility. I tried many times to get a video of him doing it, but this is as close as I could get:

We also tried starting solid foods, which didn't go over as well as I planned, in fact it didn't go over at all. I put some in his mouth, it came back out, I put some in his mouth, it came back out...etc....Not to mention the face he was making while doing this. I will attempt it again in a couple of weeks, but for now my baby is still a liquid only baby.

Herb and I went out on a "date" Friday afternoon, since I get out early (3pm) on Fridays we were able to have Quinn stay at day care an extra hour or so and go get ice cream at Marble Slab....mmmmm....I would give my left arm for that ice cream! Talk about yummy! It was nice just spending time with Herb, although I felt lost almost since I didn't have Quinn with me when I was outside of work.

Around this time of the year I always get this sense of dread, like I don't have any control over how things change, and they are changing so fast! There are so many things that I want to accomplish even just on the day to day level, and I feel that they will never get done. I appreciate the ability to spend time with Herb and Quinn and I guess that is really all that matters in the end. Laundry, dusting, making the bed, learning a new language, will have to wait for another day (I don't really want to learn a new language) when I am not basking in the moments with my family.

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